All Natural Non-Toxic
From the confectionary and agriculture industries to pharmaceutical and cosmetics producers, in addition to many other industrial applications, shellac is used as a dependable coating for an extensive number of products. Developing this all-natural, non-toxic product involves a multi-staged cleaning process that begins with sticklac, the raw material harvested from Kusumi trees in India and Thailand. This resinous ‘lac’ is then ground into granular form and washed numerous times to filter impurities. Once dried, the product is known as seedlac, which is then shipped to the central Temuss processing operation for further refining and distilling.
Product Longevity
As the seedlac goes through a number of additional washing and cleaning stages, the end product is then crushed,dried, ground and packaged. For application, the shellac is easily dissolved by alkaline or alcohol but is resistant to hydrocarbons. Naturally, the shellac has excellent adhesive qualities and provides the appropriate hardness and shine that developers and producers in these industries demand. Shellac is an outstanding insulator,featuring excellent dielectric properties, resistance to ultraviolet light rays and significantly contributes to the product’s longevity.
Temuss Products Limited is a major supplier of shellac and confectioner’s glaze for the coatings industry. As one of only two North American producers of superior shellacs and glazes, Temuss has built a reputation for understanding the specific needs of our clients by developing customized applications and always providing prompt service and delivery. All of our products meet Kosher Dietary Law as approved by the Kashruth Council of Canada under COR 266.

Featuring easy application and rapid dry times, Temuss NatureLac is an FDA-approved coating that is perfect for an extensive range of agricultural products, from citrus, apples and other produce, to seeds, processed foods and more.
Prolongs Shelf Life and Delays Ripening
As a coating on fruits and vegetables our shellac prolongs shelf life, delays ripening, reduces damage, minimizes weight loss and provides an attractive sheen to any product’s appearance.
Maintains Moisture Levels
NatureLac also provides an effective seal that maintains moisture levels in seeds, fertilizers and processed foods, but will also guard against the damaging effects that exposure to moisture can have.
It’s a Natural Sealer
As a protective coating NatureLac glaze combines a number of features to ensure dependable and consistent performance. Whether applying to pills, tablets or slow release capsules, this natural sealer can be customized to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical industry, maximizing the shelf life and improving the appearance of products. From single coating to multiple applications, our glazes protect against moisture to ensure and provide an excellent base for a trademark imprint.
We’ve Got Two Glaze Options
NatureLac also provides an effective seal that maintains moisture levels in seeds, fertilizers and processed foods, but will also guard against the damaging effects that exposure to moisture can have.
Temuss NatureLac is an exceptional glaze that provides the perfect complement to a wide array of products in the confectionary industry, including: malted milk balls, chocolate covered and sugar coated peanuts & raisins jelly beans & liquorice, gum balls and soft centres & hard shell candies.
Your Products Won’t Stick Together
Both the wax-free formula of our Refined Confectioner’s Glaze and the higher viscosity of our Regular White Confectioners Glaze feature quick and uniform drying that consistently delivers a clear, brilliant finish. Colored confections maintain outstanding color stability and minimal bleeding. As well, the natural sealant properties of the glaze help to protect against moisture, prolong shelf life and ensure products don’t stick together once they are packaged.
It Seals Wood and Binds Paint
The applications for Temuss’ shellacs and glazes extend well beyond the more prominent industries with whom we typically deal. Our shellac is used in the building industry as a sealer for wood to protect against moisture, as well as a binding agent in paints and rust treatment. The manufacturing sector uses our product extensively: as a coating for grinding wheels, plastic parts and films; as an additive to natural rubber; and, as a binder for lamp cements, insulation materials and moulding compounds in electrical and electronics applications. Even the printing industry will use our shellac for edible printing inks, aluminum foil, paper and other packaging products.
Can Withstand Rigorous Commercial Usage!
Our product is as durable as it is flexible and can withstand the rigorous demands of commercial usage. Always feel free to contact the Temuss team to discuss how our shellacs and glazes might help improve your product’s presentation and performance.
We Develop Customized Applications
Temuss Products Limited is a major supplier of shellac and confectioner’s glaze for the coatings industry. As one of only two North American producers of superior shellacs and glazes Temuss has built a reputation for understanding the specific needs of our clients by developing customized applications and always providing prompt service and delivery. All of our products meet Kosher Dietary Law as approved by the Kashruth Council of Canada under COR 266.
At Temuss, we promote the highest standards of our industry by maintaining strong links to the many accredited associations that guide and oversee our industry. Our professional affiliations represent our commitment to our industry as a whole while reassuring both established and prospective clients that they are dealing with a respected and reliable company.
For further details on the associations with whom we maintain professional memberships, please check the following links:
National Confectioner’s Association (NCA)
Alexandria, Virginia
American Association of Candy Technologists (AACT)
Glen Rock, New Jersey
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
Chicago, Illinois
Confectionery Manufacturers Association of Canada (CMCA)
Toronto, Ontario
A.S. Paterson Company Limited
Toronto, Ontario
Morse Chemical Inc.
San Gabriel, California
Professional Manufacturing Confectioners Association (PMCA)
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania